olesław Kamiński
A soldier who took part in the Polish-Bolshevik War in 1920; graduated from Warsaw University with a degree in law. Managed law firms in Lublin, Pulawy and Krasnik.
In Stalin's time removed from the Bar, later rehabilitated. Died in 1968.

iesław Kamiński
Szare Szeregi (Polish Scouts Movement) and AK soldier, graduated from
Warsaw University with a degree in law; Polish Scoutmaster. In 1955 started
to manage the firm. From 1993 to 2001 judge of the Court of Justice elected
by Parliament.

rzysztof Kamiński
Graduated from Warsaw University with a degree in law; passed judicial
and lawyer's exams. A lawyer since 1987. From 1991 to 2001 member of the
Polish Parliament (Sejm). In 1997 chairman of the Polish Group of Interparliamentary
Union. In 1997-2000 vice-chairman of The Foreign Affairs Committee in
the Polish Parliament and deputy of The Parliamentary Assembly of NATO.
In 2001 passed diplomatic and consular exams in the Ministry of Foreign

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